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Markiranje Štampanje RSS


Član broj: 2415
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+11 Profil

icon Re: DEJAN SAPIC - SPAMER!28.06.2002. u 10:40 - pre 267 meseci
Milane tebi su izvadili cip za humor?
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: DEJAN SAPIC - SPAMER!28.06.2002. u 11:22 - pre 267 meseci
Milane, da li si se zapitao, u tvojoj proceni ko je u pravu a ko ne, zasto SVI provajderi ODMAH zakljucavaju Dejanove naloge cim neko prijavi spam?

Hoces da kazes da svi veci mail provajderi imaju neki lazan svet, zasnovan na licnim predrasudama - kad, eto tako - iz cista mira, gase Dejanove naloge?

Ako mene pitas, ovo je najblaza kazna koju covek moze da dobije. Doticni gospodin je upozoren vise puta da ne spamuje - na sta se on, ocigledno, ne osvrce.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

Mihailo Đorić

Član broj: 1016
Poruke: 2875

+1 Profil

icon Re: DEJAN SAPIC - SPAMER!06.07.2002. u 15:47 - pre 266 meseci
Dragi Tata:
Koliko ja znam, ne postoji federalni zakon o ograničavanju spam-a. Tačno je da su neke države donele zakone s tim u vezi, ali dokle god makar jedna od njih dopušta spam-ovanje, spam je u Americi legalan.

Na žalost, ovo je uglavnom tačno. Koliko sam uspeo da pronađem informacija, jedini dokument koji ima snagu "uredbe" (Act) je Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail Act of 2000 koji je usvojen, ali nisam siguran da li se primenjuje i kako ta pravna sra*a funkcionišu.

Prema ovom dokumentu, PRVA poruka, ako sadrži validan e-mail sendera i opciju za uklanjanje sa liste (koja radi!), i naravno ako ne krši druge propise, je LEGALAN SPAM. Ako zahtevu primaoca da se ukloni sa liste nije udovoljeno, onda je to već kriminal. Isto tako, i PRVA poruka može biti kriminal, ukoliko sud kaže da je ugrožena privatnost primaoca (a fakat je da je uvek ugrožena kada primimo spam, samom krađom e-mail adrese). Zaključak je sledeći - spam je legalan ako želite da ga primate, u protivnom možete da gonite spamera na sudu. Mislim da je ovo namerno ovako kontradiktorno, jer ova uredba kaže:

Unsolicited commercial electronic mail can be an important mechanism through which businesses advertise and attract customers in the online environment.

Ispade sledeće - spam je u državnom interesu, a pojedinci mogu na sudu da dokazuju ugroženu privatnost ili odbijanje spamera da ih ukloni sa liste.

ISP-ovi imaju slobodu - mogu da podstiču spam ili da ga blokiraju, već kakav im je interes i ugovori sa klijentima. Nema nikakav zakon koji naređuje ISPovima da puštaju ili ne spam, niti da zabrane nalog spamera - odredba o zloupotrebi servisa može lako da se primeni protiv spamera, ali i ne - jer kakva je zloupotreba ako je spam legalan?

[Ovu poruku je menjao Mihailo dana 06.07.2002 u 05:53 PM GMT]
Odgovor na temu

Zoran Torbica
community manager
Vracar, Beograd

Član broj: 187
Poruke: 1780

ICQ: 36726092

+1 Profil

icon Re: DEJAN SAPIC - SPAMER!06.07.2002. u 17:07 - pre 266 meseci
cak ga je i prof Vukomanovic izneo kao los primer a on je recezent njegove klnjige mesec stednje 2010/ servis za media planiranje na Internetu
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 3814
Poruke: 386



icon Re: DEJAN SAPIC - SPAMER!11.07.2002. u 05:11 - pre 266 meseci
X puta sam procitao da ne treba kliknuti ili upisati svoju adresu cak i ako postoji remove,... pokusajte da upisete [email protected] i takve forme ce opet da upisu da je ta adresa skinuta. Cak sta vise, oni te adrese upisu, tj. jos im se potvrde da postoje. Znaci pogledati source, skinuti program SmartWhois koji pretrazuje sve IP i poslati na kontakt adrese. Bar ja tako radim i eto bar neke sam zaustavio.
- necitak -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 5344
Poruke: 2


icon Re: DEJAN SAPIC - SPAMER!18.09.2002. u 15:07 - pre 264 meseci
Miloje Sekulic:
Znam da je i negativan publicitet publicitet, dok ne dovede do ignorisanja spamera. A za to je protrebna edukacija korisnika Interneta i ukazivanje na zloupotrebe. :(

Neka vrsta stuba srama. Uz ostala sredstva koja su na raspolaganju. I naravno pre svega rad na edukaciji.

Naravno da treba takve pojave istaknuti na stub srama, pogotovu ako poticu od ljudi za koje sira javnost misli da su strucnjaci za Internet marketing. Umesto da suzbijaju takve pojave, oni fakticki daju zeleno svetlo za njihovo sirenje svojim "autoritetom".

Stoga sam sa zadovoljstvom pomenuo doticnog gospodina u svojoj kolumni u narednom broju "Internet ogledala". Nadam se da ce iduci put dobro razmisliti pre nego sto klikne na "SEND" u svom maileru.
Odgovor na temu

Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
Poruke: 13651

+165 Profil

icon Re: DEJAN SAPIC - SPAMER!18.09.2002. u 16:17 - pre 264 meseci
Evo negde i sudjenje spamerima uspeva:

State wins case against deceptive spammer

Saturday, September 14, 2002


Washington, the first state to take a legal stand against sending misleading, unwanted e-mail, won its first case yesterday, against a prolific spammer who flooded the state's computers with advertising several years ago.

A King County Superior Court judge declared a summary judgment against Jason Heckel, a Salem, Ore., businessman, finding that he violated the state's anti-spam law. The judge ruled that a civil trial, which was weeks away, wouldn't be needed because the state had proved its case.

The law, which does not ban all unsolicited commercial e-mail, makes it illegal to send an e-mail to people in Washington that contains deceptive subject lines, uses a bogus return address or uses a third party's domain name without permission.

"This is a great victory for Washington consumers," Attorney General Christine Gregoire said yesterday. "Deceptive e-mails are more than just a nuisance, they rob consumers and businesses of money and time."

The state sued Heckel four years ago, after he sent out millions of e-mails advertising a product he developed. Among other things, consumers were unable to reply to the e-mail.

Heckel's attorney, Dale Crandall, said that his client would appeal.

"It is not a settled issue yet whether states will be allowed to do this," Crandall said.

Others, however, disagree.

By winning yesterday's case, Washington has become the first state to test its anti-spam law through the courts and finally win a judgment, said John Mozena of the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail, an Internet-based advocacy group of anti-spam organizations around the world.

"Hopefully, it will dissuade spammers from sending their messages to Washington state residents," Mozena said, adding that other states, such as California, are now testing their anti-spam laws in the courts.

After the Washington Legislature approved the anti-spam law in March 1998, other states began to follow.

Today 26 states have some kind of law restricting unsolicited e-mail.

It may take years to determine how effective those laws are. The public has been slow to realize that spam can be illegal, said Ethan Ackerman, a research associate at the Center for Law, Commerce and Technology and the University of Washington Law School.

"Whoever invented the delete key did a lot more than anyone who ever drafted a law against unsolicited e-mail," Ackerman said. "But it has to start somewhere."

Yesterday's victory was long in coming for Gregoire's office. The attorney general first sued the Oregon spammer in 1998, shortly after lawmakers approved the state law.

Gregoire accused Heckel of sending millions of e-mails advertising a brochure he developed called "How to Profit From the Internet," for sale for $39.95.

Heckel's messages began with the subject lines, "Did I get the right e-mail address?" and "For your review--HANDS OFF!" And when consumers tried to reply to the e-mail, the message came back as undeliverable. But the state said he sold 30 to 50 brochures a month.

When the case was first heard in 2000, a Superior Court judge threw it out, saying that the state's anti-spam law was unconstitutional.

When that happened, Washington's case against Heckel attracted the attention of regulators and policymakers around the world.

Then last year, the Washington State Supreme Court upheld the law, finding that the only burden the rule "places on spammers is the requirement of truthfulness."

The U.S. Supreme Court later declined to hear Heckel's appeal.

A trial was scheduled for Sept. 30. But at a hearing yesterday morning, King County Superior Court Judge Douglas North said that the facts were not in dispute: Heckel violated all three provisions of Washington's anti-spam law.

North will hold a hearing later this year to set the amount of damages he will order Heckel to pay the state.

Until yesterday, the case had been through a series of hearings and appeals. Legal scholars have opined on both sides in the country's most respected journals.

Heckel finds a few allies in those, who believe that the Internet must be regulated uniformly and not by the different laws of several states.

"Right now it's a bunch of states making their own laws about how people in other states can do business," Crandall, his attorney, said. "It's a profoundly interesting case about whether the government can regulate business on the Internet, or at least regulate equally."

P-I reporter Candace Heckman can be reached at 206-448-8348
Odgovor na temu

Marko Bijelic

Član broj: 3296
Poruke: 1077


+1 Profil

icon Re: DEJAN SAPIC - SPAMER!18.09.2002. u 19:30 - pre 264 meseci
Mikro PC World Jugoslavija - Septembar 2002

Vodic kroz web - str. 80. - Podrubrika:Zivot

Marketing na Internetu

Na ovoj adresi predstavljena je knjiga "Marketing za treci milenijum - Marketing na Internetu" Dejana Sapica. Ovo korisno stivo uvodi citaoce u osnove poslovanja na Internetu, oblast nedovoljno poznatu kod nas.

Sadrzaj 5; Dizajn 4; Veze 5; Opsti utisak 5;
[-- takodje tu je i slicica knjige --]


Da li se Sapic to ponovno okrece i Marketingu putem novina (vec sam ga vidio u Reporteru), ili je mozda lokacija izbor nekog iz Mikra (urednik rubrike je Aleksandar Spasic) ?
Odgovor na temu

Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
Poruke: 13651

+165 Profil

icon Re: DEJAN SAPIC - SPAMER!19.09.2002. u 15:37 - pre 264 meseci
Neverovatne stvari se desavaju hehe.

Upravo me je zvao neko, pretpostavljam g. Sapic sa 0115xxxxx i pitao da li sam ja porucio knjigu o intrenet marketingu. Neko je izgleda porucio knjigu na adresu Partizanska 24 ili tako nesto ahhahaha to uopste nije moja adresa kao prvo.. Cenim da je vodnik, on ce se naravno buniti sto je uvek na listi krivaca koje biram no ne znam ko bi jos to mogao da uradi a da ima moj broj telefona.

No objasnio sam coveku da je prevara u pitanju. Zanimljivo je da mu ime Gojko Vujovic nista nije znacilo, znaci zaboravio je nasu malu 'raspravu' i moje napade.

Inace prodaja knjige super ide.

Ocekujte najezdu malih i velikih spamera uskoro.

Nista bez zakona, kojim prvo treba zabraniti knjige koje promovisu spam pa tek onda sve ostalo.
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