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Kako da objavim program ?

[es] :: Pascal / Delphi / Kylix :: Kako da objavim program ?

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Član broj: 47036
Poruke: 4


icon Kako da objavim program ?01.02.2005. u 12:26 - pre 235 meseci
Interesuje me kako da objavim jedan program koji sam napravio.
Unapred hvala.
Odgovor na temu

Nemanja Avramović
Engineering Manager
MENU Technologies
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 32202
Poruke: 4391


+46 Profil

icon Re: Kako da objavim program ?01.02.2005. u 15:02 - pre 235 meseci
i mene ovo zanima... koliki je program? svi ce ti reci da ces tesko to uraditi ako si isti radio sa nelegalnom verzijom delphija, ali znam lika koji program, doduse igru, prodaje preko shareit, i lepo mu ide... samo sto ja ne znam kako da se prijavim na shareit :)
Laravel Srbija.

Odgovor na temu

Branislav Stojkovic

Član broj: 24844
Poruke: 631


+1 Profil

icon Re: Kako da objavim program ?01.02.2005. u 20:18 - pre 235 meseci
odes na i sign-up :) to je sve.
preporucio bih ti da otvoris devizni racun u nekoj banci (delta je ok) i da ti salju prihode tako. ako ti salju cek treba mu mnogo da dodje i provizija je veca. ovako ti oni skinu 1eu, a delta 200din na transakciji.
Ride the rainbow, crack the sky

DIY gitare, pojacala i efekti
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Član broj: 29744
Poruke: 259


+6 Profil

icon Re: Kako da objavim program ?01.02.2005. u 21:53 - pre 235 meseci
I mene interesuje nešto slično, šta je potrebno da bi se legalno prodao program napravljen u legalnom delphi-u nekoj firmi ili fizičkom licu? Mislim na direktnu prodaju, bez ikakve veze sa internetom. I da li kod nas (Srbija) postoji neko ko verifikuje i atestira programe (npr. knjigovodstvene)?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 16118
Poruke: 396

+49 Profil

icon Re: Kako da objavim program ?02.02.2005. u 08:01 - pre 235 meseci
Sto se verifikacije u Srbiji tice, imas autorsku agenciju... To nije verifikacija, nego autorizacija softvera odnosno tebe kao autora. Jedina korist od toga je sto dobijes zvanicno papirce kao dokaz da si ti autor. Mana je sto ti taj papir jedino znaci u slucaju sudskog spora. U svakom slucaju nije lose imati ga (ja ih imam 10-tak) pa ako naletis na nekoga koga vise zanima pravna strana od samog programa... mases mu tim papirom, gledaju te onda malo ozbiljnije.
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Član broj: 38340
Poruke: 2191

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kako da objavim program ?02.02.2005. u 08:39 - pre 235 meseci
Postoji neka autorska agencija i drugar ima papir od njih. Medjutim to je za programe koji se urade i prodaju kao takvi. Jedan multimedijalni CD. Za knjigovodstvene nema sanse.

Bolje resenje je autorski ugovor kojim taj program "dajes na koriscenje" i za to ti se placa. U ugovoru mora biti navededno da program radi u skladu sa zakonskim propisima, a oni se menjaju. Kad se promene tvoj program ne radi kako treba i sta onda?

Knjigovodstveni program tesko da mozes prodati kao takav. Program ROBNO od prosle godine, koliko god da je lep i dobar, ove jednostavno ne vazi, pojavio se PDV koji prosle godine nije postojao. I kako ces to resiti? Ko ce kupiti program koji nece vaziti ako se promeni nesto u zakonu.

A sto se tice verifikacije ili sertifikovanja programa za sada nema nista. To niko ne radi ili ako kaze/napise to je samo reklama i nista vise. Inace, prvo pravilo reklame je da je istinita!

U smislu reklame mogao bi zamoliti nekog dobro knjigovodju da program pogleda i da svoje misljenje o tome, recenzija. To napise i potpise, a ti platis.

Pomozite Micro$oftu u borbi protiv piraterije, poklonite prijatelju Linux
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Član broj: 45205
Poruke: 113

Jabber: engineer


icon Re: Kako da objavim program ?02.02.2005. u 10:35 - pre 235 meseci
Zna li neko vise podataka o autorizaciji (adresa/tel agencije, cene...)?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 16118
Poruke: 396

+49 Profil

icon Re: Kako da objavim program ?02.02.2005. u 10:49 - pre 235 meseci
Sto se tice autorizacije: Potreban ti je zahtev za autorizaciju, dva cd-a sa tvojim programom (jedan njima i jedan tebi) i 1000 dinara (papir na srpskom) 1500 (na engleskom)... Sve to zavrsis za pola sata. Pogledaj

Odgovor na temu

Saša Slavnić
radim za neke švabe

Član broj: 35478
Poruke: 617


icon Re: Kako da objavim program ?02.02.2005. u 11:34 - pre 235 meseci
Ovo nadjoh sad na jednom sajtu (inace ovu praksu koristim duze vreme), tice se copyright prava. Skinuto je
Mislim da je korisno znati, a i ako neko moze da mi uporedi ovo sa


For example, my brother is a musician and he lives in the United States. When he writes new lyrics, he prints them out on paper, signs his name at the bottom with the Copyright © symbol to show that he is the author, places it in an envelope and mails it to himself without opening it. His copyright begins at the moment he puts his idea in a tangible form by printing the lyrics out on paper. He creates proof when he mails it to himself - the postmark establishes the date of creation. He then registers his copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office which is a requirement in order to sue for monetary damages should a violation of his copyright arise. However, if somebody copies and redistributes his lyrics without permission before his copyright is registered, he still has the right to assert a copyright claim as the true author.


The Berne Convention establishes a general and minimum period that lasts the life of the author and fifty years after his (or her) death. Cinematographic works and photographic works have a minimum period of protection of 50 and 25 years upon the date of creation, respectively. This applies to any country that has signed the Berne Convention, and these are just the minimum periods of protection. A member country is entitled to establish greater periods of protection, but never less than what has been established by the Berne Convention.

So, what does all this mean? This means that if a copyright statement reads, "© Copyright 1998, 1999 John Smith" and John Smith is from a country that has signed the Berne Convention, he created his works in 1998 and 1999, and his copyright is not going to expire until at least fifty years after he dies (this period may be greater - remember that member countries may establish longer periods of protection). Until that time his works are not in public domain.


Somebody once asked if it was "illegal" to place the copyright © symbol next to your name if you have not registered your copyright. Unless you have stolen the work from somebody else and you are not the true author of the work, it is not illegal to place the copyright © symbol next to your name - it is your right to do so.

The proper way to place a copyright notice is as follows: Copyright © (first date of creation) (name of owner). Like this: Copyright © 2003 John Smith.


There are no "international copyrights" that enable you protect your work throughout the world. However, most countries are members of the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC), which allow you to protect your works in countries of which you are not a citizen or national. Under these treaties, the following works may be protected: (i) both unpublished and published works of an author who is a national or resident of a country that is a member of these treaties; or (ii) published works, with permission, of an author who is not a national or resident of a country that is a member of these treaties. In this case a work may be considered simultaneously published in several countries if it has been published in two or more Berne Union countries within 30 days of its first publication.

To benefit from the above protection, there are no formal requirements established in the Berne Convention other than having the author's name on the work. Under the UCC, a copyright notice is required. This notice should consist of the copyright symbol "©" accompanied by the year of first publication and the name of the copyright owner, for example: Copyright © 2002 John Smith. This notice is to be placed in such manner and location as to give reasonable notice of the claim to copyright.

So, what does this mean? Well, if John Smith is a resident of Canada (member of the treaties), and if somebody in the United States (also a member country) accesses John Smith's website, which complies with (i) and (ii) above and displays the proper notice of Copyright © 2002 John Smith (as required by the UCC) - I am of the opinion that my work is considered to be "published", and therefore protected, in the United States as well as in Canada.

hint: srbija je potpisnik UCC akta.

When something is hard to do, then it's not worth doing.
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Član broj: 55110
Poruke: 1


icon Re: Kako da objavim program ?14.08.2005. u 16:33 - pre 229 meseci
A moze li se prodati kakav program pisan u ilegalnoj verziji Delphija? Procitao sam u nekom od foruma (ovde) da delphi compiler ugradjuje u programe svoj serijski broj pa se moze vidjeti je li pisan u legalnoj verziji ili ne.I da, je li ova navedena tvrdnja istinita?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 33279
Poruke: 331

+1 Profil

icon Re: Kako da objavim program ?17.08.2005. u 09:07 - pre 228 meseci
Ma ljudi bez veze dajete novce mudracima, ako neko drugi ima source nek se slobodno predstavlja kao autor, jedino mozete kao zastititi ime.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Pascal / Delphi / Kylix :: Kako da objavim program ?

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